



Assembly Point Signs

Buy your Assembly safety point signs today to be sure you are fire safe and prepared.

These signs will help indicate clearly to staff or the public where they need to be in an emergency situation
Available as self-adhesive easy peel – easy apply or as a 1mm rigid backing able to attach to harder surfaces where a more durable sign may be needed
We offer mounting accessories such as screws and rawl plugs to secure the rigid signs to a wall.

Various sizes available with a5 (148mm x 210mm) , a4 (210mm x 297mm)  and a3 (297mm x 420mm) to suit your home, office or worksite needs.
Various styles available including, assembly point signs,fire assembly point sign,muster point sign,emergency assembly point sign, and evacuation meeting point sign


Emergency Assembly Point Sign


Assembly Point Sign


Assembly Point (Left) Sign


Refuge Point Sign


Assembly Point (Right) Sign


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