



Trip and Slip Hazard Signs

Help staff and visitors stay safe and avoid danger in your premises with our huge range of slip hazard and danger warning signs.  If you have multiple warnings to give for a particular area we offer multi-message signs. Slip signs, trip signs and fall signs play a big part in workplace safety by minimising the chance of personal injury. Meet your statutory safety obligations with the much used slippery floor sign or the slippery surface sign. We manufacture and sell these signs so customisation to your specific requirements is always an option. Standard stock signs are available in industry compliant colours and come in sticky vinyl or robust rigid acrylic versions. Use our product selectors to choose from a range of type and size options for easy ordering online. Alternatively, our knowledgable staff are standing by to answer your questions. Call us on 01730 763161 or drop us an email to retail@puffinplastics.co.uk


Caution Trip Hazard Sign


Caution Wet Floor Sign


Danger Drop Sign


Danger Trip Hazard Sign


Warning Beware Of Step Sign


Danger Slippery Surface Sign


Warning Sudden Drop Sign


Warning Mind Your Hands Sign


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