



Manadatory Signs

This category features all mandatory signs in our range of mandatory health and safety signs for the workplace. The word mandatory refers to the nature of the instruction on the sign. These are instructions that must be followed without exception. 

Mandatory safety signs inform staff and visitors about what they can or cannot do in specific situations. Typical examples could include a mandatory warning sign instructing people to wear safety clothing when in a particular area, or a mandatory action sign that instructs people to wash hands before entering a particular room.

Recognising mandatory signs in the workplace is easy. They generally use a white safety pictogram on a blue background often *(but not always) contained within a circle. The sign will sometimes feature an extra blue box with worded instructions in white on a blue background. Mandatory safety signs can also be seen in residential buildings, on the roads and mandatory construction signs on building sites.

Our range of mandatory health and safety signs includes self-adhesive vinyl signs to peel and stick on any flat surface. If you need something a little more permanent and hard-wearing you could opt for our rigid 1mm thick perspex signs. 

All of our mandatory safety signs are made in-house at our factory here in Hampshire under quality controlled conditions. They are available in A5, A4 or A3 but as manufacturers of our own products, we can always customise a size to suit your specific requirements, We can also add further customisation such as additional wording or perhaps your company branding if needed. 




Fire Door Keep Shut Sign


This Area To Be Kept Clear Of All Obstructions Sign


Keep Out Sign


Keep This Door Closed Sign


Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear Sign


All Visitors And Drivers Must Report To Reception Sign


Employees Only Sign


Wear Seat Belts Sign


Foot Protection Must Be Worn Sign


Head Protection Must Be Worn Sign


Protective Clothing Must Be Worn In This Area Sign


Safety Harness Must Be Worn In This Area Sign


Wash Your Hands Please Sign


Wear Dust Mask Sign


Wear Ear Protectors When Operating This Machine Sign


Wear Face Shield Sign


Wear Gloves Sign


Wear Hard Hats Sign


Wear Protective Clothing Sign


Escape Route Keep Clear Sign


Fire Escape Keep Clear Sign


Fire Exit Keep Clear Sign


Door To Remain Unlocked When Premises Are Occupied Sign


Keep Clear Sign


Keep Locked Sign


All Visitors Must Report To Reception Sign


All Visitors Must Report To The Site Office Sign


Drive Slowly Sign


Approved Personal Protective Equipment Must Be Worn At All Times Sign


Ear Protectors Must Be Worn In This Area Sign


Eye Protection Must Be Worn Sign


Hearing Protection Must Be Worn Sign


High Visibility Clothing Must Be Worn In This Area Sign


Lab Coats Must Be Worn In This Area Sign


Safety Helmets Must Be Worn In This Area At All Times Sign


Wear Mask Sign


Fire Door Keep Locked Sign


Pedestrians Must Use This Route Sign


Place All Rubbish In Bins Provided Sign


Sound Horn Sign


Hand Protection Must Be Worn Sign


Protective Footwear Must Be Worn In This Area Sign


Wear Ear Protectors Sign


Wear Goggles Sign


Wear Safety Harness Sign


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It's worth noting that the display of and compliance with these mandatory signs has statutory implications for both the employer and the employee. Non-compliance can result in fines and even in extreme cases, closure of the premises. This means that they play a very important part in workplace safety. 

Earlier we mentioned that in most cases these mandatory health and safety signs are circular. *Fire instruction notices are the exception. These are normally written as white text on a blue background but not contained within a circle due to the amount of extra text they require. These signs use a rectangular format instead of the more common circle, but as indicated by the blue and white colouring, they are still classed as mandatory safety signs.

Types of mandatory safety sign:

Mandatory action signs

Use these signs when due to a particular circumstance, some type of action needs to be taken. To go back to an earlier example; an action sign might instruct people to wash their hands either before entering or leaving a room. The main reason would be to eliminate the possibility of cross-contamination. 

In this case, the sign contains a pictogram of a running tap and 2 hands - in white with a blue background and contained within a circle. Underneath in a rectangle are the words Wash Your Hands Please again in white with a blue background.

Mandatory warning signs

As a general rule, a warning sign features the internationally recognisable large white exclamation mark on a blue background. The difference in the warning offered comes in the wording. The warning might be something as simple as Employees Only or more complex like This Area To Be Kept Clear Of All Obstructions. Whatever the warning, it is positioned below the circle, written in white on a blue background and contained within a rectangle.

Mandatory construction signs

These will of course be a common sight on building sites but they can also appear where renovation works are happening within work premises. Once again they follow the internationally recognised colouring and format. It is worth noting that if the pictogram is explanatory enough, the sign may not necessarily have accompanied wording. For example, the instruction to wear a hard hat or goggles might display a descriptive pictogram of a hard hat or a pair of goggles only.


Puffin Plastics and your Mandatory Safety Signs

Dealing directly with the manufacturer is the quickest and least expensive way of sourcing your mandatory workplace safety signs. Whether you are a private buyer needing a few signs or an international company needing a constant supply, we can adapt to your needs.

We operate out of our own factory in the South of England. We are equipped with the latest printing and manufacturing machinery to fulfil your order with precisely produced and great quality workplace signs. Our ability to introduce any customisations you need like outsize or branded signage is unrivalled in the industry.

Working with trade and bulk buyers on a regular basis, we are happy to negotiate substantial discounts for larger orders. All of our contact details are available in the top bar so please do use them to get in touch. Alternatively, you can type us a message in the chatbox and let us know how we can help.